DIY TelePharmacy: How Actually to Do It Webinar

Date: April 27, 2022

TelePharmacy allows health care providers to efficiently address patients’ needs and can integrate pharmacists into direct medical care. Learn from one such pharmacist that staffs the HIV clinics that includes the HIV community at large, and the Department of Corrections. These pharmacists address and order medications, vaccines, and needed clinic visits, along with renewing HIV medications for the next year and independently operating the TelePrEP program.

The topics for this webinar are:

  1. Explaining the components needed to do telepharmacy.
  2. How Dr. York actually conducts his outpatient clinics for the Department of Corrections, TelePrEP.
  3. Explaining plan for in-patient telepharmacy.
  4. Krystal Fimbres explains how to interact with the different electronic medical records to provide seamle3ss linkup with patients.

Date: May 18, 2022

Time: 12:00 PM PDT; 1:00 PM MDT; 2:00 PM CDT; 3:00 PM EDT

For more information and registration instructions, please go to the Arizona Telemedicine Program web site.