Flex Monitoring Team (FMT) Resources: Language Services

December 15, 2022

Two New Products from the Flex Monitoring Team (FMT)

The Flex Monitoring Team (FMT) has released two new products about English proficiency and use of interpreters in Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs). The first brief, Rates of Limited English Proficiency in Counties with Critical Access Hospitals, uses data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau to describe and visualize the share of the population with limited English proficiency (LEP) in each county containing a CAH. This information may be useful to understand the need for language interpreter services in CAH counties.

In the second brief, Interpretation Services for Patients with Limited English Proficiency in Critical Access Hospitals, the FMT describes common themes that emerged through interviews with six CAHs about their language interpretation services. Interviewees discussed challenges, strengths, and support needed for providing language interpreters.

Rates of Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Data Brief

Interpretation Services Policy Brief