MOPHIMS Training Courses- Moberly, July 25 & 26

As many of you may be aware, DHSS recently launched a new platform to house the department’s health statistics data query tools, called MOPHIMS. The Bureau of Health Care Analysis and Data Dissemination is pleased to offer the opportunity to introduce users to this tool and demonstrate how it can be used through this hands on training opportunity.

Please register here for the Missouri Public Health Information Management System (MOPHIMS) health data training courses by the deadline listed. Participation will be limited and students will be registered on a first come, first served basis. Registration will be confirmed via email. Additional information and reminders will be sent to all attendees the week before the training. More information about the training courses can be found on the Health Data Training webpage.

 Please email or contact Andy Hunter (573-526-0444)  or Whitney Coffey (573-751-6285) with questions or concerns.

 Registration link: