Identifying Vulnerable Rural Populations During COVID-19: The CDC’s Social Vulnerability Index

New issue brief describes the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) and how it can be applied in monitoring vulnerable populations during COVID-19.

In the current COVID-19 pandemic, particularly as we see a surge in new cases across the country, it’s difficult to be proactive while being reactive. The SVI offers an opportunity to quickly identify populations of rural residents that could most benefit from currently available resources – allowing you to address current need while also focusing on prevention.

With support from the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy, NOSORH developed this Issue Brief for State Offices of Rural Health and other rural health stakeholders as a means of using data to target resources where they are needed most during COVID-19.

The issue brief offers an overview of the SVI and how it’s calculated, identifies indicators that highlights populations at high risk for spread of COVID-19 and indicators of those at high risk of infection.