NRHA Webinar: Emergency Preparedness – The Benefits of a Comprehensive Plan, August 21

August 13, 2024

NRHA Webinar: Emergency Preparedness – The Benefits of a Comprehensive Plan, August 21

A robust emergency preparedness plan is fundamental for any rural healthcare provider, especially as the lessons learned from the COVID era are starting to fade. Don’t miss this opportunity to empower your critical access hospital with life-saving knowledge from experts. This essential webinar will equip you with the knowledge you need to ensure the lights stay on and patients are safe regardless of the scenario.

Erik Thorsen, CEO of Columbia Memorial Hospital, and Ron Coulter, Life Safety & Physical Environment Specialist at Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC), as they guide attendees through the core elements of an emergency preparedness plan.


  • Learn to understand and apply the core components of emergency preparedness in a rural healthcare setting, including:
    • Planning
    • Procedures
    • Communication
    • Training
    • Testing
  • Learn the elements of a strong Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA)
    • Engaging with the local or state emergency planning commission
    • Understanding vulnerabilities within your community
    • Staying vigilant in the post-COVID era
  • Gain a clear picture of how day-to-day decisions at the executive level affect emergency preparedness
  • Establish the framework for practical and effective drills

Cost: Free

When: Wednesday, August 21, 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. CT

Click Here to Register

NRHA Webinar – Strategic Planning: Best Practices for Rural Healthcare, August 15

August 13, 2024

NRHA Webinar – Strategic Planning: Best Practices for Rural Healthcare, August 15

Join the National Rural Health Association (NRHA) for a session on developing a strategic plan that helps rural organizations navigate the future.

John Downes, MBA, Principal at Stroudwater Associates, brings over 25 years of experience in healthcare facilities planning. He has led strategic plans and market assessments and is a nationally recognized speaker.

This session will explore crafting a robust strategy that aligns vision, expertise, values, and analytics to empower your organization and influence the healthcare landscape.

Learning Objectives:

  • Engage internal team members as active contributors to your strategic plan
  • Ground planning efforts in the realities of local, regional, and national healthcare markets
  • Transition delivery and payment systems for unified progress
  • Prioritize immediate actions to address current challenges
  • Establish metrics to measure progress and adjust strategies as needed

Join this webinar to gain insights and tools needed to thrive in the evolving rural healthcare environment.

Cost: Free

When: Thursday, August 15, 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. CT

Click Here to Register

FREE 60 Minute Live Webinar – Introduction to Medicare Cost Report Compliance, September 10

August 12, 2024

FREE 60 Minute Live Webinar – Introduction to Medicare Cost Report Compliance, September 10

This introduction to the Medicare Cost Report Webinar will touch on the following topics:

  • What providers are required to file a Medicare cost report and what forms to use
  • What are the cost reporting due dates
  • Compliance related to the cost report
  • Q&A

This webinar has been approved for 1 continuing education unit by the American Institute of Healthcare Compliance for AIHC Certified Professionals.

Cost:  FREE

Click Here to Register Now

Rural Medical Center to End ‘Facility Fee’ for Obstetrics

August 12, 2024

Rural Medical Center to End ‘Facility Fee’ for Obstetrics

With anticipated additional state funding specifically for obstetric and neonatal services, Meadville Medical Center in Pennsylvania will drop facility fees for OB patients.

Recent passage of the state budget means an estimated $39 mission will be invested in rural hospitals, with a $7 million increase in Medicaid supplemental payments.

Click Here to find out how maternal health deserts in rural Kansas and across the country lead to hardships for mothers, communities, and providers.

Apply to Become a Rural Health Fellow Leader

August 12, 2024

Apply to Become a Rural Health Fellow Leader

The National Rural Health Administration’s (NRHA’s) Rural Health Fellows program is a yearlong, intensive training program that develops leaders who can articulate a clear and compelling vision for rural America.

Each year, NRHA selects 10 to 15 highly motivated individuals who have proven their dedication to improving the health of rural Americans through their educational or professional experience.

The goal of the Rural Health Fellows program is to educate and develop a network of diverse rural readers that will step forward to serv in key positions in the association, affiliated advocacy groups, and local and state legislative bodies with health equity as a main focus.

What a Rural Health Fellow Can Expect:

  • Meet in person, three times throughout the year to undergo intensive leadership and advocacy training
  • Take part in monthly conference calls to supplement their training
  • Receive updates on legislative and regulatory concerns that impact rural health
  • Participate in mentorship program with current members of NRHA’s board of Trustees.

Applicant Program Requirements

  • Must be NRHA members for at least one year, before applying
  • Must demonstrate a strong commitment to improving the health of all people residing in rural America through the provision of equitable health care services
  • Must be willing and able to commit to monthly conference calls as part of the program and complete a project as a member of an Action Project Team
  • Must have a sponsor to support travel/lodging expenses to attend three NRHA meetings
  • Must commit to attending all Rural Health Fellows training sessions

Cost: No program fee for participation, however, applicants must have a sponsor (employer, corporate or self) responsible for all travel and lodging costs to attend the three training sessions.

Apply By Thursday, September 12th

Click Here to Learn More

Click Here to Apply

RHIhub This Week

August 12, 2024

RHIhub This Week

RHIhub This Week keeps you informed of the latest rural news, funding opportunities, publicans and events.

Click Here to Access the Most Recent RHIhub This Week

New Changes to Behavioral Health Intensive Outpatient Program Coverage in Medicare

August 9, 2024

New Changes to Behavioral Health Intensive Outpatient Program Coverage in Medicare

The Center for Health Care Strategies published a policy cheat sheet highlighting the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ coverage of intensive outpatient program (IOP) services.

As of January 1, 2024, Medicare now covers IOP services. IOPs are structured treatment programs that take place on an outpatient basis. IOPs are designed for individuals with mental health or substance use disorder (SUD) conditions, who have treatment plans demonstrating a need for 9-19 hours a week of therapeutic services.

The cheat sheet highlights:

  • The latest policy changes in IOP covered services
  • How changes impact dually eligible individuals
  • Medicaid-only enrollees
  • New billing requirements and guidance for crossover claims

Click Here to learn more

NARHC Webinar: 2025 Proposed CMS Rules – What’s in the Rules for RHCs, August 15

August 9, 2024

NARHC Webinar: 2025 Proposed CMS Rules – What’s in the Rules for RHCs, August 15

The National Association of Rural Health Clinics (NARHC) will host this free webinar with details on the recently released Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Calendar Year 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) proposed rule.

This annual regulatory update contains Rural Health Clinic (RHC) specific proposals to eliminate productivity standards, remove hemoglobin/hematocrit from the six required lab services, reform care management billing, and allow RHCs to bill for administration of part B preventive vaccines at time of service, among others.

Additional time for Q&A will be provided.

Advance registration is required.

Cost: Free

When: Thursday, August 15, 2:00 p.m. ET

Click Here to Register

Rural Health Research Gateway – The Low-Volume Hospital Adjustment Before and During COVID-19

August 9, 2024

Rural Health Research Gateway – The Low-Volume Hospital Adjustment Before and During COVID-19

This brief from the North Carolina Rural Health Research and Policy Analysis Center provides an update to a 2016 analysis of the profitability of low-volume rural Prospective Payment System hospitals under the Affordable Care Act’s qualifying criteria.

The Low-Volume Hospital (LVH) adjustment is for hospitals with fewer than 3,800 patient discharges in the previous year that are more than 15 miles from the nearest Inpatient Prospective Payment System acute care hospital.

Qualifying hospitals receive a payment adjustment up to an additional 25% for every Medicare patient discharge.

Click Here to Read the Brief

Provider Relief Fund Reporting Period 7

August 9, 2024

Provider Relief Fund Reporting Period 7

The Provider Relief Fund (PRF) Reporting Portal opened July 1 and will remain open until September 30, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. ET.

Providers who received one or more PRF (General or Targeted) and/or American Rescue Plan Rural payments exceeding $10,000, in the aggregate, from January 1 to June 30, 2023 must report on their use of funds during Reporting Period 7 to comply with PRF Reporting Requirements.

More information and resources can be found on the PRF Reporting webpage.