2023 NOSORH Awards – Call for Nominations!

June 28, 2023

2023 NOSORH Awards – Call for Nominations!

The NOSORH Awards Committee is now accepting nominations for the 2023 NOSORH Awards! These awards are a special way to recognize and celebrate the hard work and leadership of individuals and organizations dedicated to rural health.

Selections will be made by the NOSORH Awards Committee solely on the basis of the narrative submitted in the nomination form. Self-nominators will not be considered. NOSORH staff are not eligible for award nominations. There are no limits to the number of nominations submitted.

The online nomination process is simple and only takes about 15 minutes! There are no limits to the number of nominations submitted.

Award Categories:

  • Spirit of Rural Award – NOSORH Staff will select and present this award to a State Office of Rural Health or Individual who has demonstrated significant contributions to NOSORH and the SORH community through engagement in activities, services, and volunteerism.
  • SORH Innovation Award – (NOSORH Membership Required) This award honors a State Office of Rural Health that has demonstrated creative and engaging community outreach, programs, and activities to advance rural health.
  • NOSORH Advocate Award – This award recognizes a State Office of Rural Health or individual who has demonstrated exemplary collaboration with stakeholders or partners to raise awareness of State Offices of Rural Health, NOSORH, and/or rural communities
  • Collaboration Award – This award is presented to an individual or organization that demonstrates leadership in recognizing and promoting National Rural Health Day and the Power of Rural throughout the year.

Nominations will be accepted until Monday, July 31, at 5:00 pm ET.   

Click Here to Learn More & Submit a Nomination

HIV Community Engagement Forum

June 28, 2023

HIV Community Engagement Forum

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services invites you to attend the upcoming quarterly Community Engagement Forum focused on Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) in Missouri. These virtual sessions are designed for YOU! The Bureau of HIV, STD, and Hepatitis wants to hear your thoughts on how to end the HIV epidemic in Missouri and how best to serve people living with HIV. Registration is open and can be accessed by clicking the event time.

Community members are welcome to attend these events and provide their personal experiences for the purposes of planning future events.

Register for this event by clicking on the time that works best for you.

September 12, 2023, noon


September 12, 2023, 6 p.m.

Tobacco Treatment Specialist Training

June 21, 2023

Tobacco Treatment Specialist Training

The Tobacco Treatment Specialist Training provides a comprehensive approach to learning evidence-based treatment for individuals to master the core competencies defined by the Association for the Treatment of Tobacco Use and Dependence (ATTUD) and obtain the necessary training required to apply for the National Certificate in Tobacco Treatment Practice (NCTTP). The training benefits all health disciplines.

Training Dates and Times:

  • August 8 10, 2023
  • Application Due: July 7, 2023
  • January 10 12, 2024
  • Application Due: December 8, 2023

*Future training dates will be available

Training Format:

  • 3 days of in-person training, with 6 modules in Columbia, MO
  • 9 on-line, self-paced modules completed prior to in-person training


  • Healthcare worker/practitioner interested in providing evidence-based treatment to people who use tobacco and nicotine
  • Agency/employer recommendation
  • Tobacco-free for 6 months prior to course


  • Jenna Wintemberg, PhD, MPH, CHES, TTS/NCTTP
  • Tiffany Bowman, MSW, TTS/NCTTP


  • Tuition waiver provided for in-state course participants
  • Out-of-state tuition $1,200

Apply at:




Or visit: https://tobaccofree.missouri.edu/tts-training/

Curriculum developed by UMass Chan Medical School

Funding Support by Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services (DHSS)

Fully Accredited by The Council for Tobacco Treatment Training Programs (CTTTP)

MIH Summit Pre-Conference

June 21, 2023


MIH Summit Pre-Conference

Please consider registering for the Mobile Integrated Healthcare (MIH) Summit starting on July 31 for the pre-conference and the summit from August 1 – 3.

The MIH Summit will be presented and attended by healthcare and EMS professionals representing diverse disciplines working to improve healthcare outcomes. This networking and knowledge building opportunity, focusing on patient centered care, is available to anyone interested in integrating care and addressing the barriers experienced by those with insufficient access to care.

Pre-Conference MIH Summit Topics:

  • Ambulance Deserts – Where are They in Missouri and the Role MIH can Play
  • Mobile Integrated Healthcare – Collaborating in New Ways to Influence Policy Change and Improve Patient Outcomes
  • Advancing Population Health through MIH Care Gap Closure
  • Why MIH is Important to Health Equity
  • Mobile Integrated Healthcare: Who to Champion and Why
  • You Can’t Get Paid for What You Can’t Measure
  • Dynamic Lightning Round Discussions

Why Attend:

The MIH Summit and MIH Track at Missouri’s EMS Conference & Expo is for healthcare and EMS professionals representing diverse disciplines working to improve healthcare outcomes for all. The MIH community includes but is not limited to:

  • Healthcare leaders, managers, providers across all disciplines
  • Community health workers
  • Community paramedics
  • Paramedics and EMTs
  • Payers
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Policy advocates
  • Workforce development
  • And more

The MIH Summit and MIH Track at the EMS Conference & Expo provide knowledge, skill-building, and networking opportunities for individuals interested in integrating care and developing innovative solutions that minimize barriers to care through non-traditional partnerships and locally formed networks.

Scan QR code below to Register or visit: https://moemsconference.org/register

Research Study at Washington University Seeks Participants for an Interview!

June 21, 2023

Research Study at Washington University Seeks Participants for an Interview!

A research study at Washington University seeks participants for an interview. The purpose of the study is to learn what pharmacy customers think about distributing kits at their pharmacy that can find colon cancer.

Participants will take part in a 1-hour interview over Zoom.

Do I Qualify:

A person might qualify if they:

  • Are 44 to 85 years old
  • Haven’t had colon cancer (& no family history)
  • Live in a rural Missouri county
  • Have been a customer at their local pharmacy

Participants will be offered a gift card for their time.

Sign up at: https://redcap.link/fit4pharmacy

Email: Sienna.ruiz@wustl.edu

Call: (314) 286-2837

Keeping Patients covered in Medicaid and CHIP

June 21, 2023

Keeping Patients covered in Medicaid and CHIP

The unwinding of the continuous enrollment condition authorized by the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) presents the single largest health coverage transition event since the first open enrollment period of the Affordable Care Act. As a condition of receiving a temporary .2 percentage point Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) increase under the FFCRA, states were required to maintain enrollment of nearly all Medicaid enrollees during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.

The end of the public health emergency has resulted in states resuming normal operations, including restarting full Medicaid and CHIP eligibility renewals and terminations of coverage for individuals who are no longer eligible.

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has developed communication tools to help patients keep their Medicaid and CHIP coverage as states restart full eligibility reviews.

What you can do:

  • Spread the word
  • Get the word out about Medicaid renewals
  • Help patients with the renewal process
  • Partner with your State Medicaid/CHIP agency to provide direct assistance to individuals and families with completing the renewal form

Don’t risk a gap in your patients Medicaid or CHIP Coverage. Help them to take action by sharing these steps with patients:

  • Visit Medicaid.gov/renewals or call your state Medicaid Office for help or to update your contact information today;
  • Make sure contact information is up to date;
  • Watch their mail for a letter
  • Complete their renewal form if they get one.

Health care providers should take every opportunity to get the word out to patients that Medicaid renewals have restarted and to assist patients in completing renewal forms or directly connecting them to health plans, navigators, or state agencies that can help do so.

Communications Toolkit

Suicide Prevention in Rural Communities: A FREE SafeSide Prevention Live, Online Interactive Workshop

June 20, 2023

Suicide Prevention in Rural Communities: A FREE SafeSide Prevention Live, Online Interactive Workshop

Register Now! Seats are Limited!

Rural service providers face unique challenges regarding the availability and access to mental health services and resources – including for youth and Indigenous or Tribal communities.

To address these challenges, with funding from the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA), the UR Medicine Recovery Center of Excellence has partnered with SafeSide Prevention to provide a workshop focused on suicide prevention training for service providers in rural communities at no cost to you!

Register to unlock your membership with SafeSide Prevention, which includes the following:

  • Online Community of Practice. You connect with SafeSide faculty and members worldwide who are passionate about suicide prevention, sharing resources, asking questions, and growing together.
  • Live Office Hours. Join informal, monthly video chats hosted by SafeSide staff where you can ask questions and share experiences with others worldwide.
  • Tools and Refreshers. Ongoing education videos, resources, and tools are at your fingertips to help you apply suicide prevention best practices in your work.

No matter your role, you will leave this workshop with actionable skills and a clear framework to help you feel more confident as you work to prevent suicide for those you serve.

When: July 25, 2023, 12:00 – 3:30 p.m. ET

Register Now! Seats are Limited!

Q&A Session Today – Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training-Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults (BHWET-CAY) Program for Professionals (HRSA-23-131)

June 20, 2023

Q&A Session Today – Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training-Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults (BHWET-CAY) Program for Professionals (HRSA-23-131)

Join the Health Resources & Services Administration for a question and answer session on the funding opportunity for Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training – Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults (BHWET-CAY) Program for Professionals (HRSA-23-131).

The Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training-Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults (BHWET-CAY) Program for Professionals will enhance trainees’ knowledge, skills, and expertise through clinical and experiential training. The program also invests in the supply of, and training for clinical supervisors.

HRSA will award approximately $9.7 million to up to 18 grantees over a period of two years through this funding opportunity.

View the funding opportunity on Grants.gov for complete eligibility information.

The application deadline is July 14, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. ET.

When: June 20, 3:00 – 4:00 ET

Join on Zoom

Free Meals are Being Served to Children at Hundreds of Locations in Missouri

June 20, 2023

Free Meals are Being Served to Children at Hundreds of Locations in Missouri

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Summer Food Service Program is designed to provide breakfast, lunch, suppers and/or snacks to children living in eligible areas during the summer months and during times of public emergencies, when children do not have access to free or reduced-price meals at school. An online interactive map is provided to help families in Missouri find out where their children can receive free meals this summer.

Community organizations serve the meals at schools, churches, parks, swimming pools, YMCA facilities, Boys and Girls Clubs, and other spots where children gather when school is not in session. The meals are provided to all children that attend the meal service location. Children do not have to register and there is no fee to participate in the program.

The map and more information about the Summer Food Service Program can be found at health.mo.gov/sfsp. For families without access to the internet, summer meal sites in the area can also be found by texting the phrase “Summer Meals” to the text number 914-342-7744.

Meals will be served to children age 18 and under. They are also provided to individuals age 18 to 21 that have been determined by a state or local educational agency to be mentally or physically disabled and who participate in an established school program for the mentally or physically disabled.

Funding for the Summer Food Service Program is provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

More information about the Summer Food Service Program is available online at health.mo.gov/sfsp or by telephone at 888-435-1464 (toll-free). Individuals who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, or have a speech disability can dial 711 or 1-800-735-2966. Community organizations that would like to become sponsors may also email the Summer Food Service Program at sfsp@health.mo.gov or write to the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Summer Food Service Program, P.O. Box 570, Jefferson City, MO 65102 for more information.

In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.

Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.

To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at: https://www.usda.gov/oascr/how-to-file-a-program-discrimination-complaint and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:

(1) Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights

1400 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, D.C. 20250-9410;

(2) Fax: (202) 690-7442; or

(3) Email: program.intake@usda.gov

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Webinar – Achieve an HCAHPS Leadership Breakthrough

June 20, 2023

Webinar – Achieve an HCAHPS Leadership Breakthrough

Put the HCAHPS Breakthrough series Leadership webinars to work for you, your leaders and your organization.

You will learn how to:

  • Overcome the two biggest barriers to improving hospital HCAHPS scores
  • Engage managers and frontline to own their relationship with their patients and families
  • Create a tactical improvement plan for each HCAHPS Domain and gain universal support and a sense of urgency
  • Develop positive anticipation and enthusiasm for participating in the HCAHPS Breakthrough Series
  • Take advantage of a turn-key Webinar Master implementation system that ensures accountability for measurable results

Cost: Free

Register Now:

Friday, June 23, 10:00 – 11:00 CT

Friday, July 10, 10:00 – 11:00 CT