Bringing Hospital Care Home: A Revolution in Rural Healthcare

July 12, 2024

Bringing Hospital Care Home: A Revolution in Rural Healthcare

An innovative concept that started in urban centers is making its way into the heart of rural America; hospital-at-home (H@H) care.

The idea stemmed from the realization that patients in rural areas often face significant barriers to accessing regular treatment.

H@H bridges the access gap by offering high-quality care at the patient’s home (or nursing home or assisted living facility). Not entirely new, the concept has gained traction due to advancements in telemedicine and mobile health technologies.

Crescent Regional Hospital in Lancaster, Texas, has installed its first “holobox”, a 3D, life-sized, highly advanced holographic display that allows doctors to teleport to the hospital for real-time, holographic consults with patients. Additionally, the hospital at home movement continues to gain traction in rural areas across the country.

There is no question that H@H improves patient outcomes and satisfaction while reducing cost. Although the implementation process is more complex than imagined and may seem dauting for a community hospital with limited resources, the model is beneficial for the hospital and patients.

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