Call for Rural Health Papers – CDC’s Preventing Chronic Disease Journal

May 31, 2024

Call for Rural Health Papers – CDC’s Preventing Chronic Disease Journal

Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) welcomes submissions for its upcoming collection, Rural Health Disparities: Contemporary Solutions for Persistent Rural Public Health Challenges.

Public health challenges have been documented in rural geographical areas and remain persistent public health, medicine, and health services problems. These challenges include:

  • Limited health care access
  • Excessive tobacco use in poor counties
  • Limited physical activities
  • Socioeconomic inequities
  • Behavioral and mental health conditions
  • Major chronic diseases

These persistent rural health challenges magnify and lead to racial and socioeconomic disparities.

The goal of this collection is to capture current solutions to these challenges. Peer reviewed articles appearing in this collection will help advance the discourse on rural public health beyond biomedical models for chronic disease prevention.

Please refer to Types of Articles for specifications for each article type.

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