Public Health Emergency (PHE) 1135 Waivers: Updated Guidance for Providers

February 24, 2023

Public Health Emergency (PHE) 1135 Waivers: Updated Guidance for Providers

On February 9, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced the Public Health Emergency (PHE) for COVID-19 will end on May, 11, 2023. COVID-19 remains a significant priority for the Biden-Harris Administration and over the next several months, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will work to ensure a smooth transition.  During the PHE, CMS has used a combination of emergency authority waivers, regulations, enforcement discretion, and sub-regulatory guidance to ensure easier access to care during the PHE for health care providers and their beneficiaries.

Some of the flexibilities that were created during the pandemic were recently expanded by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023.  Others, while critical during our initial responses to COVID-19, are no longer needed. CMS has made further updates to our CMS Emergencies Page with useful information for providers – specifically around major telehealth and individual waivers – that were initiated during the Public Health Emergency (PHE).

Please reference the following guidance in response to the PHE ending May 11, 2023:

Provider-specific fact sheets about COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) waivers and flexibilities:

CMS COVID-19 Waivers and Flexibilities for Providers include:

  • Physicians and Other Clinicians
  • Hospitals and CAHs (including Swing Beds, DPUs), ASCs and CMHCs
  • Teaching Hospitals, Teaching Physicians and Medical Residents
  • Long Term Care Facilities (Skilled Nursing Facilities and/or Nursing Facilities)
  • Home Health Agencies
  • Hospice
  • Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities
  • Long Term Care Hospitals & Extended Neoplastic Disease Care Hospitals
  • Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs)
  • Laboratories
  • Medicare Shared Savings Program
  • Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics and Supplies
  • Medicare Advantage and Part D Plans
  • Ambulances
  • End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Facilities
  • Participants in the Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program
  • Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities

Department of Health & Human Services Fact Sheet

Upcoming Webinar: RHCs & the Medicare Shared Savings Program

February 21, 2023

The National Association of Rural Health Clinics (NARHC), Center for Medicare, and Rural Health Value are hosting a webinar on rural health clinic participation in the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP). The webinar will be held on March 7 at 3:00 pm ET on Zoom. You must register in advance.

Speakers will include Dr. Doug Jacobs, Chief Transformation Officer at the Center for Medicare and Dr. Clint MacKinney, Co-Principal Investigator at Rural Health Value. Nathan Baugh and Sarah Hohman at NARHC will moderate the session. The will share an overview of the MSSP, highlight RHC opportunities, review 2024 MSSP changes, and provide time for Q&A. All interested members are encouraged to attend.

Register Here

Chartis Study Shows More Rural Hospitals Slash Services

February 17, 2023

Chartis Study Shows More Rural Hospitals Slash Services

The Chartis Group released a study at NRHA’s Rural Health Policy Institute last week that found nearly 51 percent of rural hospitals have a negative operating margin and indicates the number of facilities eliminating services like obstetrics increased in 2022.

Experts say the REH designation could offer a lifeline, especially as pandemic relief dollars are tapped out and patient volumes fail to return to pre-pandemic levels, according to NRHA COO Brock Slabach. Around 500 rural health stakeholders traveled to Washington, D.C., for NRHA’s Rural Health Policy Institute to advocate in person for solutions to these and other pressing challenges. Check out all videos, data, advocacy materials, and other documents under the Agenda tab of the event page, as well as NRHA’s fighting for rural page and the conference app.

View Brief

Register Today: DHSS hosted Virtual Community Forum – March 14 – PrEP and Ending the HIV Epidemic

February 15, 2023

Register Today: DHSS hosted Virtual Community Forum – March 14 – PrEP and Ending the HIV Epidemic

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services invites you to attend the upcoming quarterly Community Engagement Forum focused on Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) in Missouri. These virtual sessions are designed for YOU! The Bureau of HIV, STD, and Hepatitis wants to hear your thoughts on how to end the HIV epidemic in Missouri and how best to serve those living with HIV.

Registration is open and can be accessed by clicking the event time: Tuesday, March 14, 2023, noon and 6 p.m.


Previous community forum events are available to view or download HERE.

Are you launching a social or digital media campaign? Tap into free resources HERE.

Webinar – Engaging and Retaining Employees in a Competitive Environment

February 15, 2023

Webinar – Engaging and Retaining Employees in a Competitive Environment

Date: April 19, 2023

Time: 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Central Time

Speaker: Shannon Studden, Independent Leadership Consultant

Rural hospitals and clinics across the country are facing significant challenges when it comes to recruiting and retaining qualified employees. Staff turnover leads to work disruptions, workload imbalances, and increased uncertainty for the staff and patients left behind, not to mention the significant time and expense needed to recruit and train those hired in their place.

The Staff Sustainability Cycle is a process for improving the retention of high-performing staff – and as a result, strengthening continuity of health care services and employee well-being. The cycle takes a holistic approach by sharing best practices in recruitment, onboarding, learning & development, engagement & retention, and succession planning.

In this webinar you’ll learn about the elements in the Staff Sustainability Cycle and take a deep dive into some of the key practices that foster employee engagement and retention. We’ll share tools that you can use to strengthen your practices in these areas – thereby ensuring continuity of the critical services your health care organization provides to support the health of your community.

Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Build familiarity with the elements of the staff sustainability cycle and the role that each plays in fostering engagement, retention, and continuity of services
  • Adopt best practices at each stage of the cycle
  • Use tools to support staff sustainability best practices

This event meets the requirement for one ACHE qualified education credit.

Register Here

Making the ACO Decision: How to Select an ACO

February 15, 2023

Making the ACO Decision: How to Select an ACO

Date: March 15, 2023

Time: 2:00 – 3:00 PM Central Time

Speaker: Ralph Llewellyn, Eide Bailly LLP

The decision to engage in the ACO movement is a significant one. The first decision is the overall decision to join and embrace the ACO model. As is the case in all major decisions, one needs to ensure the organization understands and embraces the goals and vision of an ACO. The next decision is related to selecting which ACO to participate in. There are large ACOs and there are smaller ACOs. Some are regional while others are national in scope. This session will explore the question of how to select an ACO that is right for an organization.

Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Identify variables to be considered when choosing an ACO
  • Compare the various financial models offered by ACOs
  • Recognize suitable questions to ask prior to joining an ACO

This event meets the requirement for one ACHE qualified education credit.

Register Here

Diverting to Care in Communities Convening

February 15, 2023

Diverting to Care in Communities Convening

Missouri Foundation for Health invites you to join them for the Diverting to Care in Communities Convening on March 23, 2023 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Tiger Hotel in Columbia, Missouri.

This convening will bring together community representatives across behavioral health, law enforcement, public health, and community care to share efforts currently underway and strategize around future opportunities for improving the way individuals experiencing mental health and substance use emergencies are supported.

You should attend this convening if you:

  • Think arresting people experiencing a behavioral health crisis isn’t working
  • Want to learn with other communities across Missouri
  • Are considering applying to the Foundation’s next Diverting to Care request for applications which will support rural community partnerships between residents, health professionals, and law enforcement

Registration is limited to two representatives per organization. Attendance is capped at 50 so register today!

Register Here


Physician leadership is paramount to the success and health of rural hospitals and communities

February 14, 2023

Physician leadership is paramount to the success and health of rural hospitals and communities

With the constantly changing healthcare landscape, there has never been a more crucial time for physician leaders to have the tools, knowledge, and network of peers and experts they need to thrive in their roles.  These are things you don’t learn in medical school.

Physician leaders are unique. Physicians have been trained to take care of patients and provide leadership in doing so. Providing leadership within a rural hospital however is different, one of the resounding reasons for the creation of this program. This program was created for rural hospital CMOs and Physician Leaders by rural hospital CMOs and Physician Leaders.

What kind of value might you receive if you participate in this program? Come find out! Learn about this one-of-a-kind program created by rural hospital physician leaders for rural hospital physician leaders during a live webinar in February.

CMO Certification Program Webinar on February 22nd at 1 pm EST

CMO Certification Program Webinar on February 24th at 12 pm EST

To register for either of these webinar times click here.

Enrollment is open for all Certification Programs for 2023 Cohorts – visit our website for details and application information at

Swing Bed Learning Action Network

February 14, 2023

Swing Bed Learning Action Network

Stroudwater Associates, in partnership with the Missouri Office of Rural Health and Primary Care, will be hosting monthly Swing Bed Learning Action Network (LAN) meetings for all Critical Access Hospitals participating in the Missouri Flex Quality Improvement Program. Each meeting will focus on a different Swing Bed topic. While participation in all LAN meetings is encouraged, individuals can register for the meeting topics most valuable to them. We encourage you to share this information with individuals within your organization who may be interested in participating.

The schedule below includes the meeting date and time, the link to register for each meeting, the meeting topic, and a brief description.

February 24th | 12-1pm CT: Swing Bed 101 – This education provides an overview of the “why” swing bed utilization is important; general Medicare eligibility requirements and rules and regulations to meet the Conditions of Participation for CAHs with Swing Beds. Register here.

March 24th | 1-2pm CT: Understanding the Five Categories of Skilled Services for Swing Bed Admissions – This education provides a review of the categories and criteria necessary for daily inpatient skilled nursing, rehabilitation, or a combination of services. Register here.

April 28th | 12-1pm CT: Swing Bed Documentation – This education will provide a review of required CMS documentation for Swing Bed patients and documentation improvement opportunities. Register here.

May 26th | 12-1pm CT: Swing Bed Quality Improvement and Portal Demo – This education will provide an introduction to Swing Bed data, using data and best practices to measure and improve quality and patient outcomes impacting the growth of your program. Register here.

June 23rd | 12-1pm CT: Swing Bed Strategy, Growth, and Optimization – This education will provide useful strategies for design, marketing, active patient pursuit, and the economic benefits of Swing Bed growth. Register here.

July 28th | 12-1pm CT: Swing Bed Discharge Planning – This education will provide foundational best practice discharge planning processes necessary to support a successful patient discharge thereby, reducing readmissions and unnecessary emergency department visits. Register here.

August 25th 12-1pm CT: Swing Bed Care Spectrum Development – This education will provide interdisciplinary steps to assist your Swing Bed team in formally determining what type of patients are appropriate for your swing bed program, decreasing variability in decision-making, improving efficiency, and growing your program. Register here.

Contact the Stroudwater Team:

Carla Wilber, Senior Consultant:

Lindsay Corcoran, Senior Consultant:

Christie Bishop, Consultant:

Megan Zook, Project Coordinator:

This work is funded by the Missouri Office of Rural Health and Primary Care Medicare Flex program.

New Policy Brief: CAH Workforce During COVID-19: Barriers and Facilitators for Recruiting and Retaining Staff

February 14, 2023

New Policy Brief: CAH Workforce During COVID-19: Barriers and Facilitators for Recruiting and Retaining Staff

A new policy brief is available on the Flex Monitoring Team website: Critical Access Hospital Workforce During COVID-19: Barriers and Facilitators for Recruiting and Retaining Staff. A survey of Critical Access Hospital CEOs revealed difficulty recruiting and retaining a variety of staff positions, but primarily nurses and respiratory therapists. Barriers and facilitators to these challenges are discussed, as described by survey participants.

View Policy Brief