Top 5 FAQs: Postdoctoral Training in General, Pediatric, and Public Health Dentistry – HRSA-25-075

March 6, 2025

Top 5 FAQs: Postdoctoral Training in General, Pediatric, and Public Health Dentistry – HRSA-25-075

Q1: If a community-based residency is accredited through an academic center and does not sponsor its own residency, are we eligible to apply for this opportunity?

  • No
  • Affiliated sites of a Commission on Dental Accreditation (DODA) accredited residency are not eligible for this opportunity.

Q2: We have recently applied for CODA accreditation and anticipate approval by the time the grant starts. Are we eligible to apply if we don’t have accreditation yet?

  • After CODA accepts your application, you will receive a formal acknowledgment indicating that you are initially accredited by CODA, and thereby eligible to apply for this funding opportunity. This document should be included in Attachment 1.
  • Note: It can take up to two weeks to get you CODA acknowledgement.

Q3: We’re a residency program accredited through an academic center where residents train at a hospital caring for patients in the outpatient department and the ambulatory surgical center. Does this comply with your eight-week community-based training requirement?

  • No.
  • Rotations at hospital outpatient departments or ambulatory surgical centers do not qualify as community-based ambulatory patient care centers.

Q4: Would community clinics where dental students and residents go on rotations meet the requirement for community-based organization (CBO)? Or must the community-based site be a formal program (such as GPR or other residency) housed primarily at a CBO/

  • A community clinic that is training dental students and/or residents would qualify as the CBO operating a primary care dentistry training program. Applications must indicate that community partners are committed to this partnership, describing what they are obligating to and any in-kind contributions.

Q5: For a two-year program, what is the minimum total number of hours that each trainee must rotate to the CBO each year?

  • Each primary trainee must have at least eight weeks of longitudinal community-based training each year of their training, in either one eight-week or two four-week periods. The rotations must be at least 20 hours per week per trainee. That would be 160 hours per year for each of your residents.

Still Have Questions?

  • Read the full list of FAQs Here
  • Review the Technical Assistance webinar recording Here

Top 5 FAQs: Primary Care Training and Enhancement Residency Training in Street Medicine (PCTE-RTSM), HRS-25-078

March 5, 2025

Top 5 FAQs: Primary Care Training and Enhancement Residency Training in Street Medicine (PCTE-RTSM), HRS-25-078

Q1: Street Medicine is described mostly as an urban activity. Are rural Graduate Medical Education (GME) programs able to apply?

  • Yes. Rural training programs are eligible to apply.
  • The funding opportunity also includes a funding priority for applicants that currently train in rural areas.

Q2: Are we able to rearrange the requirement for two one-month rotations if it doesn’t fit our schedule?

  • There is some flexibility.
  • It will be important to explain in the application narrative how the proposal matches the time commitment and experience that would be provided in two month-long rotations.

Q3: The funding opportunity’s requirements and expectations include developing partnerships. What sort of partnerships might we develop?

  • HRSA anticipates that residency programs will need to partner with organizations that provide services to homeless populations.
  • Such organizations might include Health Care for the Homeless, other training programs, or Legal Aid.
  • Partner organizations should have complementary resources or activities that enhance the training aims of this grant program.

Q4: Some program completers go on to additional GME training, such as fellowship training. If they are doing their fellowship in a Medically Underserved Community (MUC), can they be counted in calculations for the funding preference?

  • No.
  • The funding preference (under 2 of the 3 criteria) depends on the practice location of graduates.
  • GME training happens in a training location, which does not apply for the funding preference.
  • These individuals are included in the total number of graduates but not included in the number of graduates practicing in MUCs.

Q5: Where can I find the application package for the grant?

  • The application can be found on
  • Select “Package” then “Preview”.
  • Select Download Instructions for the PDF guidance.
  • It also shows the required forms to include in your application.

More Questions?

Check out the full list of FAQs and watch the Technical Assistance webinar recording on the Primary Care Training and Enhancement – Residency Training in Street Medicine Program page.

Click Here for full list of FAQs

Click Here to watch the Technical Assistance webinar

Technical Assistance Webinar: Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Program for Paraprofessionals, March 10

March 5, 2025

Technical Assistance Webinar: Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Program for Paraprofessionals, March 10

The Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Program for Paraprofessionals aims to enhance community-based experiential training for students preparing to become mental health workers, peer support specialists, and other behavioral health paraprofessionals. A special focus is placed on the knowledge and understanding of the specific concerns of children, adolescents, and young adults who have experienced trauma and are at risk for behavioral health disorders.

Join the Technical Assistance webinar to learn more.

Cost: Free

When: Monday, March 10, 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. ET

Click Here to Join the Zoom webinar at 2:00 p.m. ET on March 10

Opening Soon: Applications for the 2025 NHSC Corps Loan Repayment Programs

February 26, 2025

Opening Soon: Applications for the 2025 NHSC Corps Loan Repayment Programs

The National Health Service Corps (NHSC) and Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Programs help repay part of school loan debt. In exchange, clinicians serve in eligible health care sites in communities in need.

The 2025 Application and Program Guidance documents (in PDF) for these programs are now available:

These documents provide essential details on eligibility requirements, award amounts, and service commitments for each program.

Click Here to Compare Loan Repayment Programs

Funding Opportunity: HRSA Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training (BHWET) Program for Paraprofessionals, Apply by March 18

February 18, 2025

Funding Opportunity: HRSA Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training (BHWET) Program for Paraprofessionals, Apply by March 18

The purpose of the HRSA-25-066 Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training (BHWET) Program for Paraprofessionals is to develop and expand community-based experiential training such as field placements and internships to increase the skills, knowledge and capacity of students preparing to become mental health workers, peer support specialists, and other behavioral health paraprofessionals.

The program has a special focus on developing knowledge and understanding of the needs of children, adolescents, and transitional-age youth who have experienced trauma and are at risk for behavioral health disorders including anxiety, depression, and substance use disorder.

The program also emphasizes developmental opportunities and educational support in interprofessional collaboration by using team-based care in integrated behavioral health and primary care settings to improve the distribution of a well-trained behavioral health workforce.

The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) will award approximately $10.9 million to up to 29 awardees over a period of four years.

The funding will go to community-based organizations, including Rural health Clinics, for training that prepares students to become mental health workers, peer support specialists, and other behavioral health-related paraprofessionals.

Apply by March 18, 2025.

Click Here to See Complete List of Eligible Applicants and Learn More

Funding Opportunity: Rural Maternity and Obstetrics Management Strategies Program (Rural MOMS), HRSA-25-041, Apply by April 22

February 5, 2025

Funding Opportunity: Rural Maternity and Obstetrics Management Strategies Program (Rural MOMS), HRSA-25-041, Apply by April 22

The purpose of the Rural Maternity and Obstetrics Management Strategies (Rural MOMS) program is to support collaborative improvement and innovation networks to improve access to and delivery of maternity and obstetrics care in rural areas.

Eligible Applicants Include:

  • Hospitals, including Rural Emergency Hospitals (REHs)
  • Community-based organizations
  • Community health centers
  • FQHCs
  • Special district governments
  • Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)
  • Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments)
  • State governments
  • Private institutions of higher education
  • Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
  • Small businesses
  • Independent school districts

Apply by April 22.

Click Here to Learn More and Apply

Funding Opportunity: Rural Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) Planning and Development, HRSA-25-101, Apply by April 17

February 5, 2025

Funding Opportunity: Rural Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) Planning and Development, HRSA-25-101, Apply by April 17

The purpose of this Rural Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) Planning and Development Program is to improve health care in rural areas, including expanding access to medical care and long-term services, for rural aging populations by expanding PACE programs into rural areas.

Eligible Applicants:

  • City or township governments
  • Public and State controlled institutions of higher education
  • Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)
  • For profit organizations other than small businesses
  • Small businesses
  • Independent school districts
  • Special district governments
  • Private institutions of higher education
  • Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) IRS status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
  • Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education.
  • County governments
  • State governments
  • Native American tribal organizations (other than federally recognized tribal governments.
  • Public Institutions of higher education
  • Private institutions of higher education
  • For profit organizations
  • Hospitals, including rural emergency hospitals
  • Community-based organizations
  • FQHCs
  • RHCs

Apply by April 17.

Click Here to Learn More and Apply

Funding Opportunity: Rural Residency Planning and Development (RRPD) Program, HRSA-25-007, Apply by April 10

February 5, 2025

Funding Opportunity: Rural Residency Planning and Development (RRPD) Program, HRSA-25-007, Apply by April 10

The purpose of the Rural Residency Planning and development (RRPD) program, HRSA-25-007, is to improve and expand access to health care in rural areas by developing new sustainable rural residency programs, including rural track programs (RTPs). These residency programs must achieve accreditation from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).

Newly created rural residency programs will increase the number of future physicians training in rural areas, and ultimately the number of physicians practicing in rural areas with the goal of addressing the physician workforce shortages in rural communities.

The RRPD program provides start-up funding to create new rural residency programs in qualifying medical specialties that will be sustainable long-term through viable and stable funding mechanisms, such as Medicare, Medicaid, and other public funding sources.

Qualifying medical specialties are:

  • Family medicine
  • Internal medicine
  • Preventive medicine
  • Psychiatry
  • General surgery
  • Obstetrics and gynecology

Eligible Applicants:

  • Native American tribal governments (federally recognized)
  • Native American tribal organizations (other than federally recognized tribal governments)
  • Private institutions of higher education
  • Public or private institutions of higher education
  • Rural Hospitals
  • Rural community-based ambulatory patient care centers

Apply by April 10.

Click Here to Learn More and Apply

Premedical Rural Education Program Applications Now Open!

January 29, 2025

Premedical Rural Education Program Applications Now Open!

The application for the MU School of Medicine Premedical Rural Education post-baccalaureate program (PREP) is now open. Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. on April 1, 2025.

What is PREP?

The MU School of Medicine Premedical Rural Education Program (PREP) is a post-baccalaureate program for Missouri rural background, college graduates interested in applying or re-applying to medical school. Applicants accepted to PREP will complete online modules, participate in required workshops and activities, and complete a graduate certificate program during the two-year program to prepare and enhance their application to medical school.

Participant Benefits

  • PREP participants receive an annual $12,000 stipend to assist with costs associated with taking and preparing for the MCAT, tuition, books, cost of living, and AMCAS application fees. Students must remain in good standing, meeting all program requirements, to advance through the program and continue to receive the annual stipend.
  • PREP participants who receive a 500 on their MCAT, receive A or B grades in required coursework taken during the Postbaccalaureate program, and are meeting all other program requirements will receive an automatic interview with MU School of Medicine Admissions Committee.
  • Postbaccalaureate students who are accepted to MU School of Medicine, will receive priority selection for the Rural Scholars Program during medical school.
  • PREP students will have access to a PREP faculty advisor and PREP staff coordinator to assist and guide them while in PREP.
  • PREP students will earn a graduate certificate from the University of Missouri upon successful completion of the program.

How to Apply

Visit the PREP Program website for detailed application instructions and for a link to the program application.

  • Applicants interested in applying to PREP must complete the program application by 11:59 p.m. on April 1, 2025.
  • Selected students will be invited to interview for the program via Zoom in early June 2025.
  • An online mandatory program orientation will be held in July 2025 for all accepted applicants.
  • Students will begin in the program in July 2025.


Please contact with questions or for more information.

New Funding Opportunity – Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Program for Paraprofessionals, Apply by March 18

January 22, 2025

New Funding Opportunity – Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Program for Paraprofessionals, Apply by March 18

The purpose of the Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Program for Paraprofessionals – HRSA-25-066 is to develop and expand community-based experiential training such as field placements and internships to increase the skills, knowledge and capacity of students preparing to become mental health workers, peer support specialists, and other behavioral health paraprofessionals.

The program has a special focus on developing knowledge and understanding of the needs of children, adolescents, and transitional age youth who have experienced trauma and are at risk for behavioral health disorders including anxiety, depression, and substance use disorder.

Eligible applicants include:

  • Faith-based and community-based organizations
  • Hospitals
  • HRSA funded health centers and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs)
  • Public and private institutions of higher education
  • Rural health clinics
  • State, city, county, township, and special district governments
  • State-licensed mental health nonprofit and for-profit organizations
  • Tribal governments and tribal organizations

Please view the NOFO on for complete eligibility information.

Apply by March 18, 2025, 11:59 p.m. ET

Click Here to Learn More and Apply