Where the Physician Shortage is Headed – and What it Means

March 7, 2025

Where the Physician Shortage is Headed – and What it Means

According to a recent report, the shortfall of physicians could reach as high as 86,000 by the year 2036. NRHA COO Brock Slabach says rural areas are already affected by workforce shortages, with primary care in especially high demand. Subspecialties already experiencing a shortage are bracing for impact as demand for eye care and other categories exacerbate shortfalls.

Act soon to share your perspective in Stroudwater’s physician compensation survey.

Click Here to access the survey

Missouri Master Plan on Aging Statewide Needs Assessment

July 12, 2024

Missouri Master Plan on Aging Statewide Needs Assessment

Missouri is developing a Master Plan on Aging and needs to hear from you to ensure it is the best plan for:

  • Older adults
  • Adults with disabilities
  • Caregivers

All Missourians are encouraged to take the survey as we are all aging and are, or will be, a caregiver.

More information about the Master Plan on Aging is available at health.mo.gov/aging.

The survey is available from July 8 to August 13, 2024.

Need help with the survey?

  • Call Polco at 855-773-0665
  • For a paper copy of the survey, send an email to survey@polco.us.

Click Here to Take the Statewide Needs Assessment

2024 Provider Compensation Survey

January 12, 2024

2024 Provider Compensation Survey

Stroudwater has partnered with the National Rural Health Association (NRHA) and the National Organization for State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH) for the Second Annual Rural Provider Compensation Survey to analyze rural provider compensation.

Last year’s results illustrated the enormous variability in provider pay across rural organizations and the pressing need for rural healthcare to align its provider pay to the organization’s goals.

This year’s survey will continue to build on the data uncovered by last year’s results. Your participation and input are crucial for this survey and will help rural healthcare organizations make more informed decisions surrounding provider compensation.

Please Note:

  • The survey will close at midnight EST on February 26th
  • The survey should take less than 30 minutes to complete
  • If needed, you can save your progress and resume the survey before it closes.

The survey is completely anonymous, your input is appreciated!

Click Here to Take Survey

Missouri Immunization Coalition Survey – Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Health Equity and Disparities: Perspectives from Missouri Healthcare Providers

October 31, 2023

Missouri Immunization Coalition Survey – Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Health Equity and Disparities from Missouri Healthcare Providers

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed persistent drivers of inequities and health disparities that exist within the US healthcare system. Research suggests that COVID-19 has disproportionately affected groups that face discrimination and historical injustices the most and that support systems that should have been geared to respond to the crisis proved inadequate.

This survey aims to understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health disparities and inequalities from the perspective of Missouri healthcare providers’ by focusing on your experiences, observations, and recommendations related to the pandemic’s effects on the health of your patients and communities.

“Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Health Equity and Disparities from Missouri Providers” aims to identify valuable insights into the experiences and perspectives of healthcare providers on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic in Missouri. Data collected will inform healthcare policies, interventions, and strategies to build health equity and address health disparities, especially in regions where disparities have been particularly exacerbated by the pandemic.

The survey should take 7-10 minutes to complete. Please respond by Monday, November 13, 2023. Your response is greatly appreciated!

Have questions about the survey? Please contact:

Nicole Williams, Director of Programs, Missouri Immunization Coalition nwilliams@moimmunize.com

Take Survey Now

Complete the Rural Health Clinic Vaccination Survey

September 5, 2023

Complete the Rural Health Clinic Vaccination Survey

The Missouri Rural Health Association (MRHA) and the Bureau of Immunizations have put together a short survey to better understand the immunization needs of Rural Health Clinics. Completing this survey will allow the Missouri Rural Health Association and Bureau of Immunizations to better assist you in your immunization efforts. The survey should not take more than 5 minutes to complete.

Click here for Rural Health Clinic Vaccination Survey

New Rural Health Safety Net Survey – 340B Program

August 4, 2023

New Rural Health Safety Net Survey – 340B Program

The National Rural Health Association (NRHA) and The Chartis Center for Rural Health are partnering on a new rural health safety net survey on the 340B drug program. Your input will help NRHA and Chartis better understand utilization and impact of the program as well as inform future research. If you would like to take the survey and share your perspective, please click the link below. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete and will be open until August 18.

Take the Survey


Your Participation is Requested – Missouri Immunization Coalition Survey

June 1, 2023

Your Participation is Requested – Missouri Immunization Coalition Survey

The Missouri Immunization Coalition (MIC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit existing to reduce the spread of vaccine-preventable diseases through education, advocacy, promotion, and collaborative partnerships.

This is the fifth survey MIC has created to learn about the experiences and needs of our partners. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the necessity of a systems approach to successfully respond to public health crises. Therefore, it is essential to assess the preparedness of healthcare organizations and their capacity to coordinate with a multidisciplinary set of stakeholders to handle such emergencies effectively.

This 7-10 minute survey aims to identify gaps in pandemic preparedness among healthcare organizations and resources/guidance needed for Missouri’s public health workforce to be fully equipped for future crises. By gathering valuable insights from healthcare professionals, we can improve pandemic preparedness and ensure that our healthcare organizations are fully equipped to respond to any public health emergency.

The survey will be open until Friday, June 16, 2023. Your response will be greatly appreciated.

Take survey now

Missouri Immunization Coalition Survey

March 3, 2023

Missouri Immunization Coalition Survey

The Missouri Immunization Coalition (MIC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit existing to reduce the spread of vaccine-preventable diseases through education, advocacy, promotion, and collaborative partnerships. We also coordinate with partners across the state that share our vision of better health and well-being for all, including our public health and healthcare workforce.

This is the fourth survey MIC has created to learn about the experiences and needs of our partners. Focusing on staffing challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, the goal of this survey is learning how MIC can advocate for solutions on local, state, and federal levels with policy and funding decision-makers.

The purpose of this 5–7-minute survey is to understand how providing care for COVID-19 patients, coordinating access to COVID-19 vaccines, and promoting education about COVID-19 disease transmission and prevention has exacerbated pre-pandemic staffing shortages and how agencies are addressing the shortages.

Complete Survey Here

Please respond by Wednesday, March 15, 2023.  


Urgent Survey – The Physician and Advanced Practice Provider Compensation Survey Due 01/31/2023

January 25, 2023




The Physician and Advanced Practice Provider Compensation Survey

The National Rural Health Association, in partnership with Stroudwater Associates, Inc., introduced a first-of-its kind Physician and Advanced Practice Provider Compensation Survey. This survey will be the first of its kind, providing insight into rural hospitals and promoting more informed decisions when considering physician compensation based on the results of this survey. It will take less than 10 minutes, then the information will be compiled, analyzed and shared at no cost to rural healthcare leaders.  Thank you for your time and participation!