Rural Emergency Hospital Conversion and Technical Assistance Educational Webinar

July 31, 2023

Rural Emergency Hospital Conversion and Technical Assistance Educational Webinar

Target Audience: Critical Access Hospitals and other rural healthcare entities considering conversion to a Rural Emergency Hospital

Effective January 1, 2023, Medicare designated the Rural Emergency Hospitals (REHs) as a new provider type through the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. This new provider type is designed to address concerns that some rural hospitals would not be able to sustain operations and could be at risk of closure. CAHs and certain rural hospitals can convert to a REH, allowing continued access to certain health services in the communities they serve.

On August 9, 2023, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm ET, the Rural Health Redesign Center (RHRC) and Mathematica, will provide an overview of the REH provider type, considerations for converting, and conditions of participation requirements.

Attendees will also learn about no-cost technical assistance for hospitals considering a conversion, available through the Rural Emergency Hospital Technical Assistance Center (REH-TAC).

If you have questions about this event, please email Candice Talkington at

Registration link:

*Funding for the Rural Emergency Hospital Technical Assistance Center is provided by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

NRHA Webinar: Swing Bed Culture and Attention to Wellness Vital to Rural Healthcare, a Transitional Care Model

July 21, 2023

NRHA Webinar: Swing Bed Culture and Attention to Wellness Vital to Rural Healthcare, a Transitional Care Model

Allevant, a joint venture between Mayo Clinic and Select Medical, helps Critical Access Hospitals by developing post-acute Transitional Care programs using available Swing Beds. Focused on helping patients transition to their highest level of independence, Transitional Care is a program that involves the patient and family, makes available the full resources of the Critical Access Hospital and focuses on measured outcomes and evidence-based processes to ensure patients get the best care possible.

Allevant has supported approximately 100 Critical Access Hospitals across 22 states including both independent and part of health systems. Our clients have cared for over 12,000 patients representing more than 158,000 swing bed days. With a strong focus on quality, outcomes, and growth, our clients saw an average growth in swing bed days of 55% by the second year. 64% of patients were categorized as complex medical or complex surgical which is a growing patient population, and only 7% of Transitional Care patients were discharged directly back to acute care during a program stay of less than 30 days. 76% of patients were discharged from Transitional Care back to independence. The average patient rating was 4.84 out of 5 when asked if patients would “recommend the program to others”.

When: Thursday, July 27, 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. CST


NRHA Webinar: Unlocking Value-Based Care: The Critical Role of Team-Based Care

July 21, 2023

NRHA Webinar: Unlocking Value-Based Care: The Critical Role of Team-Based Care

Join this exclusive webinar to discover the power of team-based care in rural healthcare. Our expert speakers include Fred Wallisch, Signify Health’s VP and ACO Medical Director, who specializes in clinical oversight, utilization goal setting and innovative strategies for improved patient care. Catherine Chua, Chief Medical and innovative strategies for improved patient care. Catherine Chua, Chief Medical Officer at Davis Health System, West Virginia, with extensive experience in Osteopathic Family Medicine and Integrative Medicine, will provide insights into rural healthcare and patient-centered approaches, and Dr. Steven Reeves, Internal Medicine specialist from Greater Regional Health, will offer practical knowledge on the positive impact of team-based care on provider morale, retention, and buy-in.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the role of team-based care in meeting value-based care requirements
  • Discover how a standardized approach improves annual wellness visit rates, chronic care management, and clinical documentation
  • Explore the benefits of team-based care for provider morale, retention, and buy-in

When: Tuesday, July 25, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. CST

Register Here to join this concise and informative webinar to enhance healthcare delivery in your rural health organization.

Register Now – Informational Webinar for Tribal Communities

July 17, 2023

Register Now – Informational Webinar for Tribal Communities

The National Maternal Mental Health Hotline (NMMHH) team is please to invite you to an informational webinar on Monday, July 31, 2023, at 1:00 PM EST to provide insights on how the hotline works, key metrics in the first year, and what your community members can expect when you refer them to the Hotline.

Join the National Maternal Mental Health Hotline to hear how tribal communities can benefit from this 24/7, free, confidential service. American Indian/Alaska native leaders will provide perspective on the maternal health landscape and what tribal community members can expect when calling the Hotline.

The National Maternal Mental Health Hotline provides free, confidential, 24/7 emotional support, resources, and referrals to pregnant and postpartum individuals facing mental health challenges, and their loved ones. Professional counselors offer support via phone and text in English and Spanish. Interpreter services are available in 60 additional languages, and a relay service is available for people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing.

When: July 31, 1:00 p.m. EST

Register Now

Webinar: Rural Emergency Preparedness Resources

July 14, 2023

Webinar: Rural Emergency Preparedness Resources

Rural Health Information Hub (RHIhub) is hosting a webinar on accessing emergency preparedness and response resources for rural communities. This is the last webinar in a 3-part webinar series. Presenters will share local, state, and federal perspectives on how rural communities can access needed resources when responding to and recovering from a disaster or emergency.

Hear from a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Resilience Analyst working with state, local, and tribal emergency preparedness professionals in Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming to better prepare, respond, and recover from disasters.

This webinar and the related Rural Emergency Preparedness and Response Toolkit were supported with funding from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

High-speed internet is required to participate

Cost: Free

When: Tuesday, July 18, 12:00 p.m. CT

Register Here

Connection details will be emailed to you immediately upon registration

NRHA Webinars Address Patient Surges, Utilizing Swing Beds

July 13, 2023

NRHA Webinars Address Patient Surges, Utilizing Swing Beds

NRHA Partner Eagle Telemedicine is hosting a webinar at 2 p.m. CDT July 19 on addressing patient surges and rising costs in rural health care. Gain insight into leveraging telemedicine for cost-effective recruitment and round-the-clock patient care. NRHA Partner will host a webinar at 1 p.m. CDT July 27 on swing bed culture and attention to wellness vital to rural health care. Transitional care makes available the full resources of the CAH and focuses on measured outcomes and evidence-based processes to ensure patients get the best care possible. Interested in discussing CAH-specific opportunities like these with experts? Join NRHA’s 22nd CAH Conference September 27 – 29 in Kanas City.

Register Here for “Addressing Patient Surges and Rising Costs in Rural Healthcare” webinar, July 19, 2 p.m.

Register Here for “Swing Bed Culture and Attention to Wellness Vital to Rural Health Care” webinar, July 27, 1 p.m.

Register Here for NRHA’s 22nd CAH Conference

Webinar: Telehealth + Artificial Intelligence: A Clear Synergy to Increase Effectiveness of Screening in Primary Care

July 11, 2023

Webinar: Telehealth + Artificial Intelligence: A Clear Synergy to Increase Effectiveness of Screening in Primary Care

Artificial intelligence (AI) programs have recently been shown to be more accurate than human experts in diagnosing diseases such as diabetic retinopathy. Real-world experience with autonomous AI, however, have been discouraging to high false positive rates, the inability to accommodate real-world data from diverse patients, and limited diagnostic output (often just a yes or no for a specific disease). AI which is designed to work with human experts overcomes these shortcomings and improves outcomes by shortening the time that it takes to intervene in patients who need prompt treatment. Telehealth + AI programs provide the depth and breadth of human experts while enabling immediate intervention for patients who are at high risk of complications.

Presented by:

Jorge Cuadros, OD, PhD, Clinical Professor, and CEO/University of California, Berkeley, Meredith Morgan Optometric Eye Center and EyePACS Inc.

Learning Objectives:

  • Gain knowledge of recent studies regarding the advantages and shortcomings of real-world AI programs
  • Have an evidence-based understanding of how telehealth + AI programs can improve outcomes for patients with complications of chronic disease
  • Understand the billing and reimbursement advantages of telehealth + AI

Register Now

HRSA IEA Maternal Health Webinar Series: Supporting Maternal Health in Rural Communities

July 6, 2023

HRSA IEA Maternal Health Webinar Series: Supporting Maternal Health in Rural Communities

The Health Resources and Services Administration, Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs (HRSA IEA) invites you to a webinar highlighting Maternal Health in Rural Communities. This webinar is part of HRSA IEA Region 5 and 7’s Maternal Health Webinar Series. The series’ goal is to highlight HRSA programs and resources to promote and further maternal health and well-being across the lifespan. This session in the series will feature two HRSA Rural Maternity and Obstetrics Management Strategies (RMOMS) Program awardees.

Date:  July 26, 2023

Time:  3 pm – 4 pm CT/ 4 pm – 5 pm ET

Register Here

Save the Date: SHIP Webinar: System and Independent Hospitals

July 6, 2023

Save the Date: SHIP Webinar: System and Independent Hospitals

You are invited to save the date for the next SHIP Webinar on Thursday, August 3rd, 2023. In this webinar you will hear from Clint MacKinney, Co-Principal Investigator of Rural Health Value. This webinar will focus on the financial and operational differences between system and independent hospitals. Understanding the similarities and differences between system and independent hospitals is an important part of effective administration of SHIP funds to small rural hospitals.

Topic: System and Independent Hospitals

Date: Thursday, August 3rd, 2023

Time: 2:00 p.m. CT

Duration: 60 minutes

Audience: SHIP Coordinators and other SHIP staff

Speakers: Clint MacKinney, Rural Health Value

Ship Contact: Caroline Bell,

By participating in this webinar, attendees will be able to:

  • Identify the key financial and operational differences between system and independent hospital operations.
  • Develop strategies for communicating and building relationships with system and independent leadership/contacts
  • Understand methods of applying allowable investments for system hospitals

This event will be recorded, and playback will be available on the SHIP website. This event is supported by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) and coordinated by SHIP, a program of the National Rural Health Resource Center (The Center).

Join Meeting Here

Don’t Forget to Register! Upcoming Quality Improvement Meeting and Swing Bed Webinars

July 5, 2023

Don’t Forget to Register! Quality Improvement July Quarterly Meeting

Stroudwater is hosting the July Quarterly meeting on July 18 from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. CT.

The July quarterly meeting topic will be Performance Improvement Program: Integration of Finance and Quality.

Register Here

Swing Bed Learning Action Network Meetings:

Stroudwater Associates is also hosting two additional Swing Bed Learning Action Network (LAN) meetings, this summer:

  • Swing Bed Discharge Planning, July 28, 12 – 1 p.m. CT,  Register Here 
    • This education will provide foundational best practice discharge planning processes necessary to support a successful patient discharge thereby, reducing readmissions and unnecessary emergency department visits.
  • Swing Bed Care Spectrum Development, August 25, 12 – 1 p.m. CT
    • This education will provide interdisciplinary steps to assist your Swing Bed team in formally determining what type of patients are appropriate for your swing bed program, decreasing variability in decision-making, improving efficiency, and growing your program.

Register Here

For questions about these events, please contact:

Megan Zook, Consultant

Stroudwater Associates

(207) 221-8279