FREE Cyber Security Tools and Services

June 28, 2024

FREE Cyber Security Tools and Services

Utilize free cyber security tools and services from Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) – America’s Cyber Defense Agency.

Malware, phishing, and ransomware are common forms of cyber-attacks. CISA offers the tools and services needed to protect against and rapidly respond to attacks.

Featured Content on the CISA Malware, Phishing & Ransomware Webpage:

  • Stop Ransomware – A whole of government approach that gives one central location for ransomware resources and alerts
  • Shields Up – as the nation’s cyber defense agency, CISA stands ready to help organizations prepare for, respond to and mitigate the impact of cyberattacks.
    • When cyber incidents are reported quickly, they can render assistance and issue warning to prevent attacks
  • Cybersecurity Alerts & Advisories – CISA is continually monitoring cyber space and actively shares threats and vulnerabilities
  • Joint Ransomware Task Force (JRTF) – serves as the central bod for coordinating an ongoing nationwide campaign against ransomware attacks in addition to identifying and pursuing opportunities for international cooperation

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