Missouri Nursing Board Member Vacancies

May 2, 2023

Missouri Nursing Board Member Vacancies

Interested in serving the state of Missouri? The Missouri Board of Nursing currently has 3 vacancies on their Board; a RN, LPN and a public member. There is also a RN member on an expired term.

The public member shall be at the time of his or her appointment a citizen of the United States; a resident of this state for a period of one year and a registered voter; a person who is not and never was a member of any profession licensed or regulated pursuant to this chapter or the spouse of such person; and a person who does not have and never has had a material, financial interest in either the providing of the professional services regulated by this chapter, or an activity or organization directly related to any profession licensed or regulated pursuant to this chapter.

This is the link to the board application information, Boards and Commissions (mo.gov)

This page provides details about the time commitment and qualifications for Board of Nursing members; https://boards.mo.gov/UserPages/Board.aspx?78

Questions?  Please contact:
Lori Scheidt
Executive Director
Missouri State Board of Nursing
Division of Professional Registration
Missouri Department of Commerce & Insurance