Webinar: Safeguarding Rural Health: Environmental Responsibility Strategies for Healthcare Leaders, July 9

June 21, 2024

Webinar: Safeguarding Rural Health: Environmental Responsibility Strategies for Healthcare Leaders, July 9

In this webinar Rebecca Hou, Environmental Sustainability Program Manager at Vizient, shares her extensive expertise in advancing sustainability in healthcare.

With a background in improving supply chain sustainability for 60% of acute care hospitals across the United States, Rebecca will address the unique environmental challenges faced by rural healthcare leaders.

Learn how rising temperatures, extreme weather events and exposure to harmful chemicals threaten patient health in rural areas. Discover how rural hospitals contribute to these issues and, more importantly, how they can lead the charge in promoting health inside and outside their walls.

This session will provide actionable strategies tailored for rural healthcare systems to advance human and environmental health.

Cost: Free

When: Tuesday, July 9, 2:00 p.m. CST

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