January 30, 2023

2023 Nurse Advocacy Day – Wednesday, March 1, 2023, Capitol Plaza Hotel, Jefferson City, MO
Deadline for registration: February 3, 2023
Missouri Nurse Advocacy Day is intended to increase awareness of the political process for all nurses and nursing students. The event expands participants’ understanding of the legislative process and provides them with effective techniques for advocating for their patients and practice.
This event will focus on why legislative advocacy is important, identifying the Missouri Nurses Association’s key legislative priorities, as well as sharing what is needed from each nurse in the state to be successful at the Capitol. The day includes a trip to the Capitol to observe the legislative process in action and visit with legislators. Joining us this year is Rebecca Patton, DNP, RN, CNOR, FAAN, Assistant Professor and Chair of the Lucy Jo Atkinson Professorship in Perioperative Nursing for the Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing at Case Western Reserve University and Past-President of the American Nurses Association.
For the 2023 program, attendees will have the opportunity to:
- Network with nursing students, fellow classmates, and other nurses from a variety of practice settings through the educational sessions and during the luncheon;
- Travel to the Capitol to experience the legislative process firsthand;
- Network with exhibitors/vendors participating
Registration Fees
- $45.00: Students
- $65.00: MONA Members
- $90.00: Non-Members (faculty register as either Members or Non-Members of MONA)
Registration Process
Two ways to register – 1) as an individual and 2) as a group or school.
The deadline to register is February 3, 2023 at 5:00 pm.
Individual Registration
Individuals seeking to participate and register on their own, not with a school or group, may register online.
Group & School Registration
Schools of nursing and specialty groups seeking to participate in the event together as a group (i.e., seating) have two registration options. Groups of 20 people or less may register online. Groups of 20 or more must register using the Group/School Registration List and corresponding Group/School Payment Form below. Online registration is not an option. See instructions below:
Smaller Groups of 20 or less
Smaller groups may register online by clicking the Register Now button, or complete and submit the Group/School Registration List and corresponding Group/School Payment Form (forms below) to our office for processing. Register groups of 20 or less online at: https://cvent.me/W0Z59E
Larger Groups of 20 or more
Please complete the Group/School Registration List and corresponding Group/School Payment Form below. Both forms are required. The Group/School Payment Form will ask you to identify the total number of students versus faculty participating along with payment information, and the Group/School Registration List will ask you to identify each individual in your group by first and last name, address, email address, type of registrant (MONA Member, Non-Member, or Student). Please submit both forms to our office for processing. We will communicate details about registration and the event to the individual identified as the faculty/group liaison on the forms.
Group/School Registration List Group/School Payment Form
NOTE: It is important that payment be in the form of ONE check (no individual student payments please), money order, or ONE credit card covering all attendees from the group/school.
Student/Faculty/Group Guide – optional activities before, during and after the event to enhance your experience
The Missouri Nurses Association would like to invite you to participate as an exhibitor at our Missouri Nurse Advocacy Day. Missouri Nurse Advocacy Day will provide an excellent opportunity to network with nurses and nursing students and faculty. On behalf of Missouri Nurses, we appreciate your consideration and would be honored to receive your support through participation as a vendor!
Exhibitor Information
Exhibitor display fees include one, six-foot clothed and skirted table, two chairs and one lunch ticket
Register Online Now Exhibitor Application Exhibitor Invitation Letter
The deadline to register is February 1, 2023. Exhibit space is limited, so please notify us of your intent to exhibit as soon as possible so we may reserve a table for you.
Sleeping rooms have been blocked for the Missouri Nurses Association at the Capitol Plaza Hotel for February 28 at a rate of $103.00 plus taxes, lodging fees, and a $10 per night facility fee for single or double occupancy.
Reservations can be made by contacting the hotel at 573-635-1234 or 800-338-8088 identifying yourself with the Missouri Nurses Association, or clicking here to make your room reservation online. Reservations must be made on or before January 30, 2023.
5.0 contact hours will be awarded to those participants who meet the successful completion requirements.
The Midwest Multistate Division is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Please contact Sara Fry at (573) 636-4623 x102 or sara@midwestnurses.org with any questions.