NRHA Seeks Rural Healthy Aging Initiatives, Best Practices

December 29, 2023

NRHA Seeks Rural Healthy Aging Initiatives, Best Practices

The National Rural Health Association (NRHA) has partnered with the John A. Hartford Foundation to enhance access to resources for rural healthy aging and age-inclusive care by engaging stakeholders and disseminating information as a primary component of the National Rural Age-Friendly Initiative. NRHA is producing a compendium of rural healthy aging initiatives and best practices.

No matter where a person lives, getting older requires support – but rural adults face unique concerns not shared by their urban peers. In addition to economic factors, cultural and social differences, policies that don’t adequately acknowledge or serve rural  and geographic distance, older small-town residents must also grapple with traveling farther for care, fewer community spaces and activities, social isolation, hospital closures, and health care provider shortages. These issues put rural older adults at higher risk for worsening health outcomes.

If you are part of an organization with programs, models, or policy aimed at enhancing the quality of aging in rural communities, consider completing a submission form to be included in NRHA’s compendium.

This initiative will share resources with rural stakeholders and provide accessible and creative practices to rural communities.

Learn more about the National Rural Age-Friendly Initiative

Complete a submission form