June 16, 2023
Your Chance to be a Rural Health Fellow, Speak in New Orleans
The National Rural Health Association’s (NRHA’s) Annual Rural Health Conference and Rural Hospital Innovation Summit are the nation’s premier events celebrating rural health. They are curated for anyone with an interest in rural health care, including rural health practitioners, hospital administrators, clinic directors and lay health workers, social workers, state and federal health employees, academics, community members, and more.
NRHA’s Annual Rural Health Conference is an interactive experience designed for all rural health professionals, with 7 tracks covering clinical issues, statewide public health issues, clinic management, rural communities, education, policy, and learning tools for leaders. NRHA is willing to consider any new and innovative session proposals.
NRHA’s rural Hospital Innovation Summit is one of the first meetings of its kind, dedicated to rural hospital innovation and transformation and providing premier networking and education exclusively for rural hospital leadership teams striving to innovate toward community health transformation.
NRHA is accepting session and research presentation proposals for the nation’s largest gathering of rural health pros. The Annual Rural Health Conference and Rural Hospital Innovation Summit, will be held May 7-10, 2024 in New Orleans, La.
Anyone with an interest in rural health is invited to submit session proposals by August 17, 2023 or original research by January 11, 2024 for presentation during the 2024 conferences.
Please consider contributing a session. This is an opportunity to share effective models, policies, research and information and provide your colleagues with insights and best practices addressing many of the access, quality and geographic issues confronted by rural communities.
Submit Session Proposals
Submit Original Research