Recognizing Outstanding Contributions to Increasing Missouri’s Immunization Awareness and Vaccination Rates

February 6, 2023

Help the Missouri Immunization Coalition celebrate Black History Month (February) and Women’s History Month (March) by recognizing those individuals within your organizations who have raised vaccination awareness or who have increased vaccination rates within their communities. “The Missouri Immunization Coalition’s mission is to promote immunizations, prevent disease, and protect all Missourians. It is only fitting that we acknowledge those individuals whose work best exemplifies MIC’s mission,” said Nicole Cope, MIC’s Executive Director.

During February’s Black History Month, MIC will recognize our African American colleagues. In March, MIC will recognize our female colleagues. All nominations must include the nominee’s name, title, email address, headshot, and a brief two paragraph story on how they have contributed to increasing vaccination rates or awareness within their community. Send your nominations to Paloma Martinez Crespo, MIC’s Communications Director, at MIC will recognize these individuals throughout the months of February and March on our social media platforms.

As we celebrate Black History month in February and Women’s History month in March, let us reflect upon the contributions, struggles and accomplishments of these past pioneers. Moreover, let us recognize the additional work that must be done, and the dreams not yet fully realized.

Celebrate these two particularly important months with us. Please send your nominations today.

Now Available! Monthly MBQIP – February 2023

February 6, 2023

Now Available! MBQIP Monthly – February 2023

MBQIP Monthly is an e-newsletter that highlights current information about the Medicare Beneficiary Quality Improvement Project (MBQIP) and provides critical access hospitals (CAHs) information and support for quality reporting and improvement. MBQIP Monthly is produced through the Rural Quality Improvement Technical Assistance program by Stratis Health.

February 2023 content:

  • CAHs Can! National Rural Virtual Quality Improvement Mentor Profile Series: Linda Webb
  • Data: CAHs Measure Up – EDTC Measure Reporting Trends
  • Tips: Robyn Quips – MBQIP Measure Updates
  • Tools and Resources – Helping CAHs succeed in Quality Reporting & Improvement

Reminder! MBQIP Data Reporting Reminders – February 2023
Quality data reporting for critical access hospitals, including upcoming data submission deadlines, corresponding collection time periods, and submission tools.

Request for Feedback! Measures Under Consideration for MBQIP (2023) – The Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) is seeking feedback regarding 10 measures under consideration for inclusion in MBQIP. The resource linked above includes a summary of the 10 measures and the link to an electronic feedback form, which will be open through Tuesday, February 28. All interested parties are encouraged to provide input.

Upcoming Office Hours! Ask Robyn – Quarterly Open Office Hour Call for Data Abstractors | Tuesday, April 25, 2023, 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. CT Register
Sometimes it just helps to talk to someone! Quality Reporting Specialist Robyn Carlson offers open office hour calls to discuss your MBQIP abstraction questions. Sessions are free of charge, but registration is required. For more information about the Ask Robyn calls, contact Robyn Carlson (

If you have MBQIP questions, please contact

CDC Science Brief – Mpox Brief

February 3, 2023

CDC Science Brief – Mpox Brief

Today, CDC released an updated Science Brief: Detection and Transmission of Mpox Virus. These updates incorporate findings from a growing body of scientific evidence that now show some people can spread mpox virus to others from one to four days before symptoms of mpox appear. This is known as presymptomatic spread. There is currently no evidence showing that people who never develop symptoms have spread mpox virus to someone else.

During the current outbreak, the most common way mpox has spread from person to person is through direct contact with the infectious rash, scabs, or body fluids, especially during sexual contact. People infected with mpox virus may be able to spread mpox virus to others for up to two weeks after becoming ill.

In the United States, mpox cases have declined, but it’s still important for people who are eligible to get vaccinated to prevent future cases, especially people in communities disproportionally affected by mpox. Vaccination is an important tool to protect people from mpox and stop the spread of mpox. People who are eligible for mpox vaccination should get two doses for the best protection. The second dose should be given four weeks after the first dose.

Science Brief

How mpox spreads

National Rural Health Resource Center – Population Health Toolkit

February 1, 2023

National Rural Health Resource Center – Population Health Toolkit

The Population Health Toolkit brings together tools and information to support improving your awareness as your organization journeys into population health management.

Resources in the toolkit include:

  • Putting Data to Use
  • Population Health Readiness Assessment
  • Leadership
  • Understanding Value-Based Models
  • Strategic Planning Resources
  • Data Collection, Management, and Analysis
  • Quality, Operations, and Processes Resources
  • Resources to learn more about identifying population health partners
  • Workforce and Culture
  • Outcomes and Impact

Click Here to Learn More

COVID-19 Single-Dose Vial (SDV) Vaccines Available for Rural Health Clinics

February 1, 2023

COVID-19 Single-Dose Vial (SDV) Vaccines Available for Rural Health Clinics

In November 2022, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 bivalent vaccine for people 12 years of age and older became available to order through the Rural Health Clinic COVID-19

Vaccine Distribution Program (RHCVD) program as a single dose vial (SDV).

While the vaccine is still available in multi-dose vials, the single-dose option responds to widespread requests to allow greater flexibility for RHCs that may not have the demand or capacity to store multi-dose vials.

RHCs enrolled in the RHCVD Program can order SDV through the Health Partner Order Portal (HPOP).

If an RHC is not enrolled in the RHCVD Program and wants more information, they can email

Health and Human Services Office of Intergovenmental and External Affairs (HHS IEA) mpox Briefing

January 31, 2023

Health and Human Services Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs (HHS IEA) mpox Briefing

Please join the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs, the White House National mpox Response team, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) for a mpox briefing Thursday 2/2 at 2:00 PM ET.

Date: Thursday, February 2
Time: 2:00 PM
Please register using this link

Culturally and Competency Training for Staff/First Responders in Disaster Preparedness and Crisis Response

January 26, 2023

Culturally and Competency Training for Staff/First Responders in Disaster Preparedness and Crisis Response

Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) – Offered by Health Quality Innovation Network (HQIN)

Research shows that cultural minority groups suffer disproportionately during every phase of a disaster. This e-learning program from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Minority Health will equip you with the knowledge, skills, and awareness to best serve all individuals, regardless of cultural or linguistic background.

Why Use Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) Throughout a Disaster?

Have you experienced a time when you did not know how to best serve individuals from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds before, after, or during a disaster? Did you know that racial and ethnic minorities are more likely to suffer worse outcomes than the general population during every phase of a disaster?

This set of courses is designed to help you deliver culturally and linguistically competent services in disaster situations. Cultural and linguistic competency is the capacity for individuals and organizations to work and communicate effectively in cross-cultural situations. Cultural and linguistic competency can help improve the quality of the care you deliver to individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds.

This free e-learning program from the HHS Office of Minority Health is accredited for up to 9 continuing education credits, at no cost, for emergency medical personnel/first responders, psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers, and up to 12 hours for dentists. After completing the required Course 1, you may take the remaining courses in any order you like.

This e-learning program is grounded in the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) in Health and Health Care. These standards are intended to advance health equity, improve quality, and help eliminate health disparities. The National CLAS Standards provide you with a blueprint for increasing your cultural and linguistic competency.

Take the Course HERE

DHSS promotes funding transparency, accountability through interactive dashboard and stories

January 23, 2023

Dashboard connects nearly $1.2 billion from 88 projects to House and Senate districts

The Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) published a new dashboard at Health.Mo.Gov/funding that allows users to explore how nearly $1.2 billion in federal funding is benefiting Missourians. As legislative leaders began the budget process formally last week by hearing Governor Parson’s budget recommendations th­is dashboard will help explain where COVID-19 public health funding is headed by each House and Senate district, Missouri county and federal funding act. This public health dashboard compliments the statewide ARPA dashboard by showing funding from seven federal funding acts including ARPA, CARES Act and more.

“Public health is worth investing in,” said, Paula Nickelson, acting director of DHSS. “We know that with an increase in funding, we must also increase our ability to transparently reflect where that money is going and h ow it is benefiting Missourians. This influx of funding represents a unique, unprecedented opportunity to use short-term funding to enhance systems and impact the public’s health for generations.”

The dashboard is accompanied by five multimedia stories, which are the first five stories in a series that will highlight major innovations supported by this funding. Additional stories will be added over the next several months to showcase projects within local public health agencies, area agencies on aging and other critical partners.

The stories include:

  • Vital records: building a fully digital, comprehensive system for 112 years’ worth of records, including birth, death and marriage records.
  • Testing speed: new equipment automated manual processes, increased capacity and allowed for faster test results.
  • Disease monitoring: improved equipment combined with a new partnership with MU enhanced Missouri’s ability to track diseases and variants.
  • Closed-loop recycling program: created laboratory supplies during extreme supply chain disruptions by recycling 1,500 pounds of plastic waste.
  • Improving nutrition: Missouri WIC increased funding for fruits and vegetables, and will build a digital data dashboard.




HRSA Webinar – Advancing Health Equity among Hispanic/Latino Populations

January 23, 2023

HRSA Webinar – Advancing Health Equity among Hispanic/Latino Populations

Tuesday, February 7, 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm CT

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) IEA’s first session of the learning series, “Getting to Know HRSA” will explore HRSA’s priority areas, programs, funding, and technical resources available to support organizations providing health and social services to Hispanic/Latino populations. During the session, participants will have the opportunity to hear about effective ways to collaborate and stay connected to HRSA to leverage resources and gain access to innovative and high-value programs. The session will be broadcast in Spanish with live language interpretation to English.

Register Here


USDA to Create Plan to Expand Recreation Economies and Help People Thrive Across Rural America

January 20, 2023

USDA to Create Plan to Expand Recreation Economies and Help People Thrive Across Rural America

Rural Development, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, and U.S. Forest Service Partner to Create New Tools and Resources

WASHINGTON, Jan. 19, 2023 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)  announced that it will create a plan to expand recreation economies to help people thrive across rural America.

Through a Memorandum of Understanding, USDA Rural Development, the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) and the U.S. Forest Service will partner to develop an annual plan to expand economic opportunities related to recreation in communities surrounding America’s national forests.

The annual plan will outline the ways the agencies will partner to conduct program outreach, host informational sessions and workshops, and develop toolkits to help people access the resources they need to thrive in recreation economies.

To learn more, read the full Stakeholder Announcement.